Monday, May 01, 2006

At the Museum!

Today, we spent the afternoon at the NC Life and Science Museum in Raleigh. I must say the museum has been updated quite a bit since I was there last. They have done a very nice job with the updates...even improving upon the hoax and myth of how we all came from an original "big bang" and evolved from something that looked like and un-cooked egg (don't blame me I did not draw the picture.) Anyway, if their was a "big bang" God made it happen!! I also noticed their is no alternative to the "false" theory of Evolution as that would cause you to ask to many questions and make you "think" which would do us all a lot of good instead of accepting a false theory just because it is taught and "they must know." Give me a break!

I have also included a picture of the same Dinosaur we recently saw walking down Hwy 401 just south of Raleigh about two months ago. He evolved too except from a much larger un-cooked egg! I am glad they finally caught that thing!!!

Anyway, we did enjoy our visit...especially TJ and Ellie! They are a joy to be with!!!

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